The task: Development of a sales-promoting dealer promotion.

The goal: Controlling sales through targeted and flexible motivation of the most important international trading partners outside the USA.

The concept: Sales partners can register online to participate in the WD Experience. Points are awarded for sold quotas. Additional bonuses can be used to promote the sale of certain products. The specially developed website constantly provides new information about the destination in Finland, and a ranking shows which of the participants can currently take part in the incentive.

The 30 best participants from Dubai to London experience a breathtaking 4-day trip to the Arctic Circle. Fast-paced hunts on motor, dog and reindeer sleighs, celebrations with the locals or a trip on an icebreaker with a swim in the Arctic Ocean inspire the participants and motivate them for the next time.

Our services: concept, destination, locations, organization, implementation, communication strategy, production trailer and documentation